ALU is making no progress - but we’re a group of JFK8 workers who want to fix that.

JFK8 associates worked hard to vote in our union because we deserve a chance to improve our workplace. The Amazon Labor Union can still be a positive force for good at Amazon. Join the effort to help reform our union and make it strong.


At long last, ALU is finally going to conduct elections for its leadership roles! A referendum was conducted in late February, and JFK8 workers had the opportunity to vote on whether or not they wanted elections to happen. The majority who voted said YES.

This is a huge step forward for ALU, because union democracy is integral to our struggle to build our union into a strong, fighting organization that can take on Amazon and win incredible workplace victories.

Exact details of the election such as dates and times, nomination procedures, and more, are still being worked out. Fill out the contact form to the right so you can get immediate updates as soon as the details of the election are approved.


Our Platform:

Let’s rebuild ALU, together.

Immediate Elections For Leadership

At this time, ALU’s Executive Board is entirely unelected by workers. We deserve an opportunity to elect the people who are going to lead us in our fight against Amazon.

Financial Transparency

Our union is owned collectively by all JFK8 workers, and must be run democratically. In order for members to be involved in decision making and hold leadership accountable, a monthly statement detailing the union’s budget and spending must be available to all members.

A Strong Union Presence

JFK8 workers rarely see ALU organizers in or around the building anymore, mostly because these hard-working volunteers have been alienated by leadership. ALU must establish a strong steward system and eliminate the toxic environment that discourages workers from getting involved.

Professionalism & Accountability

Our leaders must conduct themselves professionally. In our interactions with coworkers, management, media, or politicians, ALU representatives must demonstrate a high degree of credibility. Any leader who engages in activity that is unethical or inappropriate must be held accountable and, if necessary, be removed from office. We must establish a code of conduct and procedures that make this possible.

More Leadership Roles

ALU’s current executive board is comprised of four people. - that is nowhere near enough to represent a workforce of 8,000 people. The Executive Board must be expanded and all the positions must be elected, not appointed.

A Credible Plan To Win

Currently, ALU leadership has not presented a credible plan to force Amazon to the negotiating table. Amazon workers are eager to coordinate against the company, but leadership is not on the same page. It’s time for workers to have the opportunity to collaborate on an organizing plan to win a strong contract.